Monday, 13 December 2010

Writing your first Grails Application

Writing your first grails application without the use of an IDE. Ensure grails is installed by running grails from a command prompt, then continue with the steps below to create your first app.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Configure Ejabberd chat server to use PostgreSQL ODBC

In order to make data persistent with in any application you can link it to a PostgreSQL relational database.
As default Ejabberd messaging server uses it's internal Mnesia database.

1. To change the default to use a postgres database we first need to create a new postgresql database on the server (this assumes you have PgSQL installed and configured)

run ./createdb ejabberd

2. Create the tables using the supplied script

./psql ejabberd < /opt/ejabberd-2.1.5/lib/ejabberd-2.1.5/priv/odbc/pg.sql

3. Add a user for the database

./createuser ejabberd

4. Configure ODBC options in ejabberd.cfg:

Scroll down to the section headed Database setup.

edit the following, remove the %% commenting

{odbc_server, {pgsql, "", "ejabberd", "ejabberd", "yourpassword"}}.
5. Add _odbc to modules you wish to use the odbc database

e.g. mod_offline_odbc instead of mod_offline.

full list in ejabberd user guide

6. Under authentication comment out internal authentication :

%%{auth_method, internal}.

Then un comment {auth_method, odbc}.

7. Register a new user and appear online using PSI client or similar application

8. Add a user to allowed admin access control list in ejabberd.cfg

{acl, admin, {user, "username", "server"}}.

9. Confirm registered user and status in web admin:


10. Connect to database using PgAdmin to view tables with data and confirm ejabberd is now using PostgreSQL

Initial setup and install of PostgreSQL Database and connecting using pgadmin

PostgreSQL is the worlds most advanced open source relational database. PgSQL can be used as a standard database in its own right or can be used to store the data from a number of applications.
In this post I will explain how to install and configure PgSQL. Then go onto to explain how to connect to the data using PGAdmin.

Installing PostgreSQL:

 1. Download source code from
2. Extract the downloaded contents: tar -xzvf postgresql-12... .tar.gz
3. ./configure , make, make install. (this may have to be sudo..)
4. create a postgres user : adduser postgres
5. log in as postgres user and initialise the database 
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

This will initilise the database then you can start it any time using:

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
/usr/local/pgsql/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l start

6. From in the bin, file create Database: ./createdb test

7. Access Database ./psql test

Use sql commands to add tables / data etc.

\q to quit

You now have a working database you can access.

Access the database from PgAdmin

To access the databases you have from a gui where you can see how the tables are structured and the data within them, pgadmin is a great opensource management tool.

1. Install pgadmin on your local machine by your preferred method, either source or packages. Source downloadable at .
app-get is also an easy install.

2. From the server side configure pg_hba.conf : add trusted hosts. The easiest thing to do is trust local host
host    all         all        md5

3. Then from your local machine port forward to your server

ssh postgres@serverIP -L 5432:localhost:5432

4. Launch pgadmin, add server. Connect to local host, rather than server IP

5. Manage all postgres databases / tables / data when connected.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Load testing Ejabberd XMPP Server with Tsung

In order to determine how many servers and what technology is required for a back end Jabber/XMPP server instance I used Tsung to complete a load test.

Tsung is another open source tool written in erlang. Tsung can be used to load test on multiple protocols, including HTTP, LDAP, PostgreSQL and Jabber/XMPP servers.

Tsung can be used to simulate real users and log them all in simultaneously, stress testing the scalability of your servers. For XMPP Tsung can test authentication, logins, chats, requests and much more.

Refer to for full details.

For initial install load Tsung on one client machine using the instructions below. The same tsung test can be run from multiple clients simultaneously in order to offer maximum stress testing.

1. wget

2. extract the contents, e.g. to usr/local/share/tsung on ubuntu

3. run ./configure from inside the the tsung-1.3.3 folder
then make
make install

4. Run tsung from command prompt, the following should be displayed:

Usage: tsung start|stop|debug|status
    -f      set configuration file (default is ~/.tsung/tsung.xml)
    -l   set log file (default is ~/.tsung/log/YYYYMMDD-HH:MM/tsung.log)
    -i        set controller id (default is empty)
    -r   set remote connector (default is ssh)
    -s            enable erlang smp on client nodes
    -F            use long names (FQDN) for erlang nodes
    -v            print version information and exit
    -h            display this help and exit

You can simulate logins in a number of different way; for my benchmark test I initially created thousands of users within ejabberd using the following script:

for i in `seq 1 10000`; do echo $i &amp;&amp; ejabberdctl register test$i servername password$i; done

This created 10000 users from test1 to test10000 with respective passwords.
These users can then be simulated by modifying the tsung.xml file usually located in ~/.tsung . Sample files for different test purposes are available at /usr/local/share/doc/tsung/examples/ . 
Configure this file to match whatever benchmarking criteria you require; whether it be load progressions or test duration, all these values can be specified here.

Full explanation of file structure is available in the tsung user manual
The file I used is similar to those in the samples, it made all users appear online simultaneously.

Some snippets from the tsung.xml file I used:

     <client host="localhost" use_controller_vm="true" maxusers="100000"></client>


   <server host="serverIP" port="5222" type="tcp"></server>

    <arrivalphase phase="1" duration="1" unit="minute">
     <users maxnumber="10000" interarrival="0.001" unit="second"></users>

   <option type="ts_jabber" name="global_number" value="10000"></option>
   <option type="ts_jabber" name="userid_max" value="100000"></option>
   <option type="ts_jabber" name="domain" value="server domain"></option>
   <option type="ts_jabber" name="username" value="test"></option>
   <option type="ts_jabber" name="passwd" value="password"></option>

<session probability="100" name="jabber-example" type="ts_jabber"

      <jabber type="connect" ack="local"></jabber>

    <thinktime value="2"></thinktime>

 <transaction name="authenticate">

<request> <jabber type="auth_get" ack="local"></jabber></request>
    <request> <jabber type="auth_set_plain" ack="local"></jabber></request>

      <jabber type="presence:initial" ack="global"></jabber></request>
    <thinktime value="6000"></thinktime>

<transaction name="close">
    <request> <jabber type="close" ack="local"></jabber></request>


To run the test execute tsung -f tsung.xml start . Ensuring tsung.xml points to your own configuration file.

N.B If you are testing large number of users you need to look at changing max values in /opt/ejabberd/conf/ejabberdctl.cfg on the server instance. There are a number of options that can be set here, the file explains what each value does.

See results and witness logons by accessing http://MYSERVER:5280/admin and viewing log files in ~/.tsung/log

Refer to Tsung User manual for full usage

Support posts and archives

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Using PSI chat client to access Ejabberd Chat messaging server

PSI is one of many jabber/XMPP clients available across the net. You can use these type of clients to test connectivity to or use functions available on most instant messaging server instances; in this case ejabberd.

1. Firstly ensure ejabberd is running on the server and there is a user account you can log in with.

use ./ejabberdctl [start/stop/status] to view status or start instance

use ./ejabberdctl register username password to register a new user

2. Install PSI from source or package

Cross platform support available from

3. Launch PSI, add a new account, ensuring you fill in the following fields:

jabber id - this is the account you create on the ejabberd server.
password - corresponding password with above account

under connection settings:
specify server IP address or host name, ensuring you complete the port number; usually 5222

4. Save all settings and view the account in PSI application.
Change status to online.

5. Test chat to another user using same method of setup above, or log into web admin page of ejabberd server at http://SERVERIP:5280/admin to confirm successfully connectivity.

Installing Ejabberd Chat Messaging Server on Linux

Ejabberd is instant messaging server software that can be incorporated into any environment. Basic installation instructions for Unix / Linux are as follows:

1. Install Erlang:

sudo apt-get install erlang.

or from source,

Ensure all requirements are installed, Libncurses and OpenSS. Use apt-get for these.


tar -xzvf otp_src_R14B.tar.gz
cd otp_src_R14B.tar.gz
LANG=C; export LANG 

make install 

Verify installation, type erl 
The following should be displayed:  

Erlang R14B (erts-5.8) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8  (abort with ^G)

2.  Install Ejabberd:

debian package: 
apt-get install ejabberd

binary installer:


gunzip ejabberd-2.1.6-linux-x86_64-installer.bin.gz
chmod a+x ejabberd-2.1.6-linux-x86_64-installer.bin.gz

Accept all default options, installation complete

or from source:

tar -xzvf ejabberd-2.1.5.tar.gz
cd ejabberd-2.1.5/src
make install

/bin/ejabberd.cfg to specify settings

Use ejabberdctl start to start node instance.

Browse to http://localhost:5280/admin/ for server web admin, you will need to add exception for user admin to browse to web admin page.

Enter the following in /bin/ejabberd.cfg:

{acl, admin, {user, "admin_user", "your_sever"}}.

N.B ejabberd uses an internal Mnesia database by default. But it possible to an alternative relational database or LDAP server to ensure data is persistent.

In later posts I will discuss using a PostgreSQL database to store data for various applications such as ejabberd.

Refer to Ejabberd installation and operation guide

Bulding your first android app

In order to build your first android app you will need to create a virtual device (AVD) and build an new project.

I will not re-type what is already available.

For full instructions on the Hello Android app refer to